[= locust • caterpillar]
= consume • finish off
= bring to an end
[G2625 = eating • reclining]
= down from
= throughout
= according to
= toward • along
= to incline • recline
= fall back
= place for repose
= declining of the day
(running out of time)
*Hebrew Summary*
In H2625 verses we discover 6 references to caterpillars and locusts.
...1Kings 8:37
= famine • pestilence
= plague
...2 Chronicles 6:28
= death • pestilence
= attacks from enemies
= sores • sickness
... Psalms 78:46
= caterpillars • locusts
... Isaiah 33:4
= (devouring insects)
...Joel 1:4
= Insects strip the land
devouring plant life.
... Joel 2:25
= But God promises
restoration to His
Then in H2628 God validates that the end has come and the land will no longer support life.
At times our loving heavenly Father forgives and restores .. however, a time comes when evil becomes so wicked .. it can no longer be tolerated .. so the only option is to bring judgment .. wipe the slate clean .. and start over again .. as in the days of Noah.
*Greek Summary*
The Greek Word G2625 provided a picture of resting while eating .. as Jesus and disciples often did.
However, we can also apply this method to "spiritually eating".. feeding on the Word of God .. which is also called "the Bread of Life" while the world is experiencing a time of increasing destruction from spiritually devouring "insects" that have descended upon the world bringing the judgment of God
...and "The End".
💌-->If you are not certain that you qualify for the escape that God is providing just before judgment comes:
...Go to the web version of
this blog.
...Scroll to the top of the
...Click on the gift wrapped
in gold in the left column
...and follow the directions.
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