Friday, February 1, 2019

God's Indwelling Love...

of God's 
Indwelling Love 

♡ ...being...the first Word...thinking of us...creating an earthly home for us.
...with His own hands, designing a body for us...fearfully and wonderfully made for which to dwell. 

♡...from self-destruction (sin)
♡...from wiles of the devil...and enemies of God
♡...being a father to the fatherless...and helper of those who have no help
♡...being our shepherd...protector...
and defender

♡...showing the Way
♡...illuminating the best path to take

♡...equipping...with information
♡ revealing blessings gained by following...the Truth of God's Word
♡...warning...regarding pitfalls...snares of the enemy

♡...bringing to mind...everything we need from His Word to make the best decisions
♡...recalling...lessons learned from past experiences

♡...expressing compassion...showing...
through Words and actions...that carry a message of supernatural love
♡ supply what is needed to find peace and comfort in times of affliction
♡...staying especially close...near at hand...during difficult times

♡...and order to encourage to overcome and go on to experience victory

Such is the nature of the amazing indwelling  Holy Spirit of God!!

-by Kay Frances Graves

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