Thursday, October 2, 2008

About Nurturing Life Ministry

(Nurturing Life is an independent Christian ministry and is not associated with any specific denomination or religious organization. Information is acquired exclusively from the Bible, history, and science).

Priorities of Ministry
Our first priority is to humbly return the focus and foundation of
our belief system to Christ—and Christ alone, restoring the whole person as Christ taught (spirit, body, mind, & emotions).

We will discover the secret to developing and restoring the whole person when we wholeheartedly embrace the priorities of Christ's ministry: (1) preaching the gospel of salvation through Christ alone and (2) healing the sick.

Educational sessions are for the serious Bible student. They are presented from the non-denominational biblical, historical, and scientific—yet cutting edge—perspective.

Wellness is addressed in each dimension of the whole person—
spirit, body, mind, and emotions and offers with simplicity, very safe, effective ways we can address life’s challenges through a fresh understanding of the Word and Wisdom of God.

Without diagnosing or prescribing, a wealth of life-saving information and motivation is provided through this unique Christian Wellness Program.

What Nurturing Life Christian Ministry Provides:(1) Nurturing Life Ministry provides one-on-one consultation.
This is a safe place to bring your questions regarding spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional challenges.

(2) Nurturing Life is a teaching ministry. Information from the Word of God that offers hope, encouragement, and instruction
for personal growth will be posted for your consideration.

(3) This ministry is a Christian resource center and will provide
information and links to resources that will nurture your life in spirit, body, mind, and emotions.

Jesus said. . .“No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me”. . . .John 6:44-45.

Do you sense that our Heavenly Father has been drawing you and calling you?

Do you believe that He has been using the circumstances of your life to teach you about Himself and given you a desire to really know Christ and follow Him?

God knows those who are His. I hope you will respond to His call today, commit yourself to following Him, and become the person He created you to be.

Let's Get Acquainted.

Whether you are a Christian desiring to connect with other Christians or a new follower of Christ, please leave a comment today.

Be sure to check out "Helpful Links"

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