Saturday, September 6, 2008

Mental Dimension of Life

Mental Dimension

The Mental Dimension involves eliminating faithless thinking and developing positive, truthful thought patterns that are based on the promises of God. This moves us away from the sort of thinking that creates a subconscious death wish, to the type of thinking that embraces life and health.

We are then free to collect and study information for preparing our plan of action against forces that are designed to destroy us and can begin developing steps to overcoming.

Change Your Mind—Change Your Health

Next to our spirit, our mind controls everything that takes place in the whole person. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he". We are just wasting our time when we pray for health and healing if our mind, our spirit, and our emotions are at war with our body.

The mind has such a powerful control over every function of the whole person, that when a death sentence is given by a medical doctor such as, "Get your affairs in order, you have 6 months to live," every cell in the body sets its timer and begins counting down the months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds until shut down. Often that person takes his last breath 6 months from the time the death sentence was given.

Research shows that most of the thoughts that we entertain on a daily basis are negative and harmful because they result in anxiety, fear, and stress. These are fear-based imaginations that are completely false and keep us from making decisions that would result in our ultimate health and happiness.

There is only one really successful way to stop the negative effects and these attacks on the mind. "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."(Romans 12:2)—or by saturating our mind with Scripture so our thoughts are in harmony with God's will.
The more Scripture we have absorbed into our mind, the more truth and wisdom we have to draw from and the less power false information has over us.

Many have experienced greater focus, discernment, creativity, and insight simply by absorbing Scripture and, as a result, have become amazingly successful in discovering and fulfilling their specific calling in life. History is full of the testimonials of such people who have achieved great things as a result of their habit of daily Bible study and memorization of the Scriptures.

Therefore, it is important to be a watchman at the gate of our mind and evaluate thoughts as they try to enter. I need to ask myself, "Is this thought going to encourage, enlighten, or honestly prosper me or is it going to have a negative effect?"

If it will not benefit me, then I should not let it enter—I must turn it away and fill the void with the opposing positive thought or promise I have learned from God's Word.

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